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Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde
Deskrisaun Ezaminasaun Ran Vera ba Pasiente Positivu Tuberkuloze atu Hatene Valor Sedimentasaun Ran (VSR) Uja Metode Westergreen iha Klinika Bairo-Pite Lanud Postu Administrativu Dom Aleixo Munisipio Dili Timor-Leste Tinan 2023
Deskrisaun Ezaminasaun Ran Vena Ba Pasiente Positivu Tuberkuloze Atu Hatene Valor Sedimentasaun Ran (VSR) Uja Metode Westergreen Iha Klinika Bairo Pite Lanud Posto Administrativu Dom Aleixo Munisipio Dili Timor-leste Tinan 2023
Antesedente: Tuberkulosis hanesan moras ida ne’ebe hada’et husi microorganismu/kutun ida naran mycobakterium tuberkuloze bakteria mycobakterium tuberkuloze, maioria kona liu ba iha ita nia pulmaun, no mos orgaun sira seluk. nia maneira da’et liu husi anin no ema ne’ebe kona ona moras tuberkulosis bainhira me’ar, fani,no tafui kaben tasak la tuir fatin. liu husi buat hirak ne’e anin bele lori mycobacterium hada’et ba ema seluk.(puspasari,2019)Velosidade sendimentasaun Ran (VSR) iha lian inglesa hanaran Erythrocyte Sendimentation Rate (ESR) ka Blood Sendimentation Rate (BSR) hanesan ezaminasaun hodi determina velosidade ran mean (Erythrocyte) iha ran laran ne’ebe la isin (terisi anticoagulant).iha tubu vertikal tuir oras ka tempu ne’ebe determina.
Objektivu Peskiza: atu hatene kona ba rezultadu velosidade sedimentasaun ran (VSR) ba pasiente posetivu tuberkuloze iha klinika Bairo pite lanud postu administrativu Dom aleixo munisipio Dili tinan 2023
Metode Peskiza: Metode Peskiza ne’ebe uja mak deskrisaun kuantitativu. Rezultadu Peskiza: Bazeia ba rezultadu peskiza ne’ebe hala’o durante fulan ida (1) semana ida(1) iha loron 12 fulan juñu tinan 2023 to’o loron 19 fulan jullu tinan 2023, komesa husi oras 08:00 to’o 05:00 loraik iha klinika bairo pite lanud Municipio Dili. Husi rezultadu peskiza ne’ebe hetan husi 34 amostra pasiente kompostu entre sexo mane hamutuk nain 23 no feto hamutuk nain 11, ho total populasaun 150. Rezultadu ne’ebe hetan iha prosesu sukat Velosidade Sendimenasaun Ran (VSR) hatudu total husi rezultadu amostra 34 hetan selula ran mean tun ka abnormal. Konkluzaun: Bazeia ba Rezultadu peskiza ne’ebe hala’o iha klinika Bairo Pite Lanud Posto Administrativo Dom Aleixo Municipio Dili, liu husi total populasaun 150 no amostra 34 ba pasiente posetivu tuberkuloze. Husi rezultadu ne’e iha normal no abnormal, maibe husi total amostra 34 pasiente posetivu tuberkuloze ne’ebe hetan Velosidade Sendimentasaun Ran (VSR)no husi Rezultadu 34 amostra abnormal hotu ho nia pursento 100%. Tan ne’e husi Rezultadu sukat Velosidade Sedimentasaun Ran (VSR) ba pasiente posetivu tuberkuloze ida ne’e define husi populasaun ne’ebe halo tratamentu iha klinika Bairo pite lanud ne’ebe hetan selula ran mean tun/abnormal.
Deskription Examination Venous Blood For Posetive Tuberculosis Patients To Find Out The Rate of Blood Sedimentation (BSR) Using the Westergreen Method At The Bairo Pite Lanud Clinic Post Administrative Dom Aleixo Dili Timor-Leste Municipality, year 2023
Background: Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a microorganism or bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, primarily affecting our lungs and other organs. It spreads through the air when someone with tuberculosis coughs,sneezes,or talks, Through these actoins, the bacterium can be transmited to others(puspasari,2019). Velocity of the blood sendimentation in English namely Erythrocyte Sendimentatiomn Rate (ESR) or Blood Sendimentation Rate (BSR) is a type of examination to determine the velocity of the red blood (Erythrocyte) inside the blood which is not cogulated (anti coagulant). Which is filled in the vertical tube according to the time which has been determinated. Research
objective: To understand the result from of the Blood Sendimentation rate (VSR) on the tuberculosis positive patient at the bairo pite lanud clinic
Research method: This research is use quantitative description as a research method
Research outcome: This result is written based on the research outcome which had been carried out during one (1) month and one (1) weeks, on 12th juny 2023 until 19th jully 2023, from 08 am until 5 pm at the bairo pite clinic, in Dili municipality. The result of the research were found from 34 samples, 23 human and 11 woman, with a total population of 150. Based on the measurement the results of the blood sendimentation rate (BSR) from 34 samples which wer e detected to have low red blood cells or abnormal.
Conclusion: Collected from 150 population 34 samples of tuberculosis positive patient. In general, there will be two results which consist of normal and abnormal, however from the 34 blood samples being collected from the tuberculosis positive patients, the result indicated 100% abnormalities. Therefore based on the measurement of the Blood Sendimentation Rate (BSR) to the TB positive patients which come from population who visited the bairo pite lanud clinic which were detected to have low red blood cells or abnormal.
FSAU4117 | 200704031 | Biblioteka Jeral Unital | Disponível |
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Editora | Dili : UNITAL., 2023 |
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xv ; 50 pag
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